Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Making Lemonade out of Lemons...

Pedaling gave me this blog award! The idea behind this award is that the blog author has shown a wonderful ability for finding the silver linings and making the best of a bad situation (making lemonade out of lemons). I am to pick 10 sites that show this silver lining philosophy approach. Hmmm....I know I have more than ten friends that fit in this catergory. Here are a few of my favorite blogs full of creativity and inspiration:
  • Pedaling - can I give it back to you? If I can, I will. Her blog is full of both creativity and inspiration. I hope to be half the mom she is.
  • Danielle - the best (and most creative) mom on the planet. She makes the rest of us look bad. (her blog is private, sorry.)
  • Pepper - of all the people I know, she has made the most lemonade!
  • Leeann - so inspiring with her work for Autism. Did you see her in the newspaper yesterday?? So cool.
  • Abbey - my cute single friend who sees the best in everyone.
Okay, so that is only five. But I gotta go. More on what is keeping me crazy later!


Pedaling said...

looking forward to hearing about what exactly is KEEPING you crazy!

Sharyl - Queen Bee said...

Beautiful children !! Very fun to hear from you. Happy Holidays !