Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gabe is in a ....

Gabe and a few of his friends decided they were going to start a Rock Band in his friends' garage. It is no secret that NO ONE in our family (including Gabe) can carry a tune, so I was kind of surprised when I asked Gabe what instrument he was going to play and his was response was, "I'm the lead singer". They also asked to borrow my Beatles and Def Leppard cd's. Hmmm....this could get interesting.


Kristen said...

Beatles and Def Leoppard?! Hmmm, quite different. They can come jam with Judd on his electric guitar in the basement. I think that is awesome they want to have a band- you don't really have to be a good singer for some types of music, you just have to be cool and have sex appeal - even if you are only 8 or 9. Be sure to get some pics!

Paula and Ray said...

Well what did you expect with Elvis as his hero!! You Rock Gabe!! Miss you, give the kids hugs for us!!

Soccer Mom said...

Gabe is AWESOME! Maybe you should get him voice lessons and then we can call capitalize on his success with his Rock Band!!!!!

Mom and Dad said...

Gabe can be in a rock band as long as he wears his missionary suit. Sounds great to me, let us know if he needs any help.Hang in there Mom you're just getting started.

Love to all Mom and Dad