Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is it really over??

Fall is in the air. Really? Is summer gone? Yes, I think it is. What did we do...where did the time go? As I look back at my summer pictures, here is what my kids did:

Tied each other up:

Played dress-up (actually, this is what she really wears.)

Catching frogs in our window wells (scary that I don't really know any of these children in the picture?!)


Goodbye summer. See you next year.


Mom and Dad said...

Summer fun and memories the kids are getting so big can't wait to see what Emma will wear for Halloween.

Love Grandpa and Grandma

Tara Hoppie said...

Your kids are so cool. Nyah and Emma should play more often. If you and your hubby want to have a date night on a Friday, call me. I am happy to have the kids over. Jeff has clinicals every Friday night, so I am always at home with the kids. They would love having your kids over for a few hours to play with :-)

Shalyse said...

You crack me up...everything, emmas outfits, the random kids in the picture, I LOVE IT ALL!!!! ;-) summer definitely went way too fast!