Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Christmas Lights....

Today I am thankful for my Christmas Lights. I know that sounds really shallow, but read on... I am actually more thankful for those I just paid to hang my Christmas Lights. Last year Jesse hung our Christmas Lights and I got two things out of it: An ulcer because I thought he was going to fall off our roof, and frostbite because I couldn't be inside if indeed he did fall off the roof. I can laugh about this now, but last year he resurrected his climbing gear and harnassed up. He put all of his weight plates in a wheel barrow and then basically repelled down our roof. He thinks he is a genius. And you are, honey. But thankfully today, I stayed in my toasty warm house and watched three men hang my Christmas lights without the fear of them falling off my roof. Okay, once I worried about them falling and wondered if they would sue me...but they are all fine. Here are the pictures of Jesse hanging our lights last year...


martha corinna said...

This is a thankful thing to be thankful for. I remember reading a few years ago about how many men fall to their death while hanging lights. It was kind of a lot.
Love the colors of your house.

Impact Fitness said...

This is HILLARIOUS!! Tell Jesse and your sweet family hello from me!


Pedaling said...

Trish, i love the top end of your house! i would love to see the rest! see i'm partial to yellow, as my house is yellow!

Anonymous said...

Trish, I need to know how much those guys cost...Lisanne is pressing me to put our lights up and I am not climbing on the steep part of our roof despite Lisanne's requests...unfortunately no climbing gear at the Lee house! Anyway, I'll call you or Jesse later to find out, but classic story!

The Christensen Family said...

Amen! Best money I ever spent! :)